Monday, November 30, 2009

SHARKS! Part one.

DUDE! it's Pete. The other day I saw SOOO MANY SHARKS!!!! I swam with them. More than I can count. Pretty big ones too. White tips, black tips, and grey reef sharks. This one six foot white tip (like on the discovery channel) was like 10 feet away from me NO JOKE. OH MY GOD! I will write more soon. Perhaps sometime when it's not so muggy... ha, that's funny.


  1. peter, you are hilarious. i found a photo of you today and photos are crazy because of course i am always thinking of you, but photos! a clarity of memory, that.
    love you dearly,

  2. We need PICTURES of the sharks! Not human-eating, I'm assuming. I mean, Discovery Channel makes it sound like Great Whites, and we don't want you too near those, now, do we?

  3. Discovery Channel - aren't those Great Whites?? We are all hoping Part 2 is not left behind in the ocean somewhere. Do tell!

  4. Waiting for Part 2 - unless your tyoing hands were nibbled upon by Jaws . . .

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. PETTTTTE and TAYLORRRR, Happy New Years guys. I miss you! I was just hanging out with Jesse Gage in Phnom Penh, and we were talking about how awesome you are, and how much we would like to see you. Come to INDO!
