Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No Water

It's Taylor again, on day 2 of Championship Week. Our teams have... well... lost pretty much every game so far, but it hasn't dampened our spirits. We still have the loudest cheerleaders! Our girls softball team is playing now, and last I checked they were actually kicking some butt, so we'll hope for them to be the one team that pulls it through for MHS!
Interestingly enough, the rainiest place on earth can still have its dry spells, and we're experiencing one of those right now. There haven't been any heavy rains since the New Year, and the past 2 weeks have been completely dry. So yesterday afternoon, just as we got home and were readying ourselves to dive into our massively neglected pile of unwashed dishes festering in our sink, we watched as the stream of water slowed to a trickle and stopped.
Sohte pihl! No water!
As of now, we have no water at all in our house, and the number of houses in Madolenihmw with water is rapidly dwindling. We went up to the high school campus last night to take advantage of a small bit of water for a shower. But sooner or later that water will dry up, so we're all doing our own versions of rain dances to encourage a massive downpour that will hopefully replenish our ranks.
Well I'm going to go cheer on our team some more, and hope that we can take one win for MHS this year!
Soutik mwahu.

1 comment:

  1. You said "festering".

    Go Madolenihmw! Not sure what that rhymes with.
